Hit and Run Love (Magnolias and Moonshine #20) by Jennifer Peel

Hit and Run Love by Jennifer Peel
E-Reader Addict Rating: 🌟🌟½

2.5 Stars
I continue on with my pseudo-binge reading of Jennifer Peel. Unfortunately, this one lands in the “not so great” column of my Jennifer Peel Books tally sheet.

Kallie has issues from her childhood. So when her college boyfriend makes a drastic change to his post-graduation plans which run right smack up against her…issues…she runs away and never speaks to him again.

Five years later Kallie and Harrison run into each other. Kallie does her best to ignore her still-lingering feelings for Harrison, while Harrison sees their chance encounter as a sign that they should be together and does his best to work his way back into Kallie’s life.

I really do like Ms. Peel’s writing. Her wordplay is creative and entertaining. The plot moves along at a good pace and never gets bogged down by extraneous descriptions or repetitive internal monologues. I never felt bored reading this story and even with it being novella length there was adequate plot and character development.

And yet…I didn’t like this heroine. Kallie is completely frustrating. She pushes the hero away, leads him to believe it’s for a very unflattering reason, then gets angry because he believed so poorly of her. Good grief woman! Put on your big girl panties and be honest for once. Don’t get me wrong – Kallie’s reason for not having a relationship with Harrison wasn’t unreasonable. I just don’t like how she treated Harrison.

But miscommunication/non-communication is a hallmark of the young adult romance genre and I am OVER IT. So my poor opinion of this book is probably on me. Ms. Peel has several more books about young people, and I think I’m going to pass on them. I’ve got too many other books to read!

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